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  • Writer's pictureindigodiana04


As much as it may be, it’s not just the dreamy peace

It’s not just the clarity of mind and meditation wonders that words fail to describe

My eyes fall for the shady yet bright beams that fall from the sky

I have seen this way too many times, but this intense nature best defined as sublime, seems new in every sight

The moment I stride into the slow tides and my body follows the waves, the moment I close my eyes and float with turtles on the side

My whole being is reborn and my mind is new like it has always strived

All my worries, all my troubles ascend with the going wind. If only this is how it would’ve always been

Tranquility, what I’ve always taken for granted is awarded to me in this moment

Thought it’s enough but then the joyful birds fly past and land just by the sandy shores of this wonderland coast

Their colors awake me, as I watch one of them catch a big fish out of the blue waters drowning their feet and showing a mirror of their beaks

The quiet sways of the palm trees draw me to its formed shades under the bright sun, its thick slender leaves bringing a breeze – nature’s fan

I love it here!

I love it now that I’m free of all the disturbing calls and piled up stresses. The desperate emergencies and all the work acquaintances

I love that the coast picks you up from the curbs and in utter amazement, my whole existence it blesses

It’s never enough, now the sun falls and the beams turn to broad colors in a rush

The clouds above fade and bring out a glamorous galaxy brighter than day

The waters become still and the waves silent almost sneaky on the now pale shores

Crickets ware in and blends with rough yet calming sounds of toads

Just right in time to sink in to the sweet sleep with the possessed peace in the coast.

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